The Unbreakable Bond – Grandparents and Their Lasting Influence

When you think about those who have impacted your life, who comes to mind? For many of us, our thoughts immediately jump to our parents, siblings, and closest friends. These were the people we were around the most throughout our lives. But another group played an equally prominent role in shaping us into who we are, even if they passed away before we ever had a chance to meet them. I’m talking about grandparents! On Sept. 10, we celebrate Grandparents’ Day!

I had two very strong grandmothers who served as role models for me. Grandparents and Their Lasing Influence - Shoup Legal BlogI think about them a lot and regularly draw on the strength I saw in them. They were supportive, compassionate, and caring people who prioritized their families. Without their strength and sacrifices, my life would look completely different.

My dad’s parents immigrated to America from Holland when he was only 8. They had a very different experience than most immigrants. They had a very comfortable life in Holland and could have lived happily in their home country. I asked my dad why they came to America, and he told me they wanted more opportunities for themselves, their children, and their children’s children.

My grandma on my dad’s side passed when I was only 6, but I remember so much about her. She was a seamstress and would regularly send me
handmade clothes. I always looked forward to receiving a package from her because I knew it contained a new dr ess or outfit. Getting a package addressed to my full name was also really cool. I called my grandparents “Oma” and “Opa” because those are the Dutch words for grandmother and grandfather. Those are the same names that my kids call my parents, and someday, I want my grandkids to call David and me by those names.

My grandmother on my mom’s side was a strong woman too. She was around well into my adult years. When she wanted something, she made it happen. She was always there for me whenever I needed guidance or support. We don’t think about it often, but our grandparents sacrificed so much to give future generations the best chance at a successful life. Before there was even a chance of them becoming grandparents, they were already putting plans in motion to get their families better lives. I’m a benefactor of my grandparents’ sacrifices and couldn’t be more grateful.

Grandparents’ Day is a tribute to the life our grandparents led because we don’t always realize how much of an impact they had on us. Their choices affected who you are, just like your choices will affect your children and grandchildren. It’s part of the legacy we leave for our families, and legacy is vital.

If you’re a grandparent, take some time to share stories and experiences from your life with your children and grandchildren. Share your legacy so they can pass on the family history to the next generation. And if you want to set your grandchildren up for success, you should create or update an estate plan. That way, their future will be protected, and you’ll gain peace of mind. We’re just a phone call away and happy to assist you with your estate planning needs.

Happy Grandparents’ Day!


Andrea Shoup